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Screen printing service that A1M uses for most all of their events! Check them out!

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If your business needs a facelift in this online world, Follow Me Marketing can help!
A1m Radio, like all things Always One Ministries does, relies on a very few sponsors and a lot of individual and family donations. The three big ministry events that we do each year cost us $40,000 to $50,000 and that is before you add the monthly fee for this A1MRadio. For this radio station to stay alive, we need simply to raise a minimum of $60 per month. That can be just 3 people offering a $20 donation, or 6 people offering a donation of $10. IF you are enjoying listening to A1MRadio and would like to keep it going, we ask for you consider making a donation. Because we are always fundraising for the other events, we'd ask that you specify in your donation that you want this for A1MRadio!
If you are a business, church or organization that would like to be recognized as a sponsor of A1MRadio, we will put your logos on here AND during all LIVE broadcasts mention your business, church, or organization, throughout the broadcasts!
Some of you guys are listening all the time and will notice that we have recently been adding an album or two every day, and sometimes more. These songs all get mixed in to the normal playlist and rotation...
Recently we added some DEATH THERAPY, SET FOR THE FALL, SILVERSYDE, EGYPTS SPEAKS and so much more...
A1M Radio will soon be returning to the LIVE broadcasts as well as continuing our outstanding rotation that is currently playing hundreds of songs from bands who have rocked our stages!
In the coming weeks we expect to be able to announce and launch several shows: Return To The Movement (a look back at the Jesus People Movement in the 70's), a currently un-named metal themed show in honor of our PIT shows, and quite possibly the return of the show that was never nominated for anything at all, primarily because it was 2 hours of bewildering stupidity (but man was if fun), the Chris & Jay Show.

Our first event in 2010 drew a dozen people, but the 4th year of KCF we were drawing much more and interest in KCF was becoming more national.

The ECHO room at Family Worship Center nearly had the roof blown off on this show